Staff vs. Students Basketball Game 2025
Posted on Mar 18, 2025It was an epic showdown at TCS with our annual staff vs. students basketball game! The competition was intense and the crowd…
It was an epic showdown at TCS with our annual staff vs. students basketball game! The competition was intense and the crowd…
Our Learn to Skate program for Eagles Hockey includes children from Kindergarten though Grade 3. It is the perfect introduction…
It's been another an incredible season for the Eagles Hockey! This week, our graduating Grade 6 players received special jackets…
Our Grade 7 Girls Basketball Team have a great time together both on and off the court! Check out some action shots of them…
Check out some highlights of our Grade 8 Boys Basketball Team so far this season!
Our Grade 8 Girls Basketball Team has shown nothing but heart, hustle, and determination every time they hit the court. Keep…
Shout out to our Grade 7 Boys Basketball team for bringing their A-game! From hustle plays to team spirit, these young athletes…
Our Senior Boys Basketball Team present a good balance of skills that get the job done. They display teamwork that rises to…
Our Senior Girls Basketball Team is off to a great start this season! These girls are not only fiercely competitive, but also…
Our annual Staff vs. Students volleyball game took place as the 2024 season wrapped up. It is always so fun as a school to…
Check out these photos of our Grade 7 Boys Volleyball Team in action!
Our Grade 8 Girls Volleyball Team is having an awesome season! Their determination and tenacity is inspiring and we can't wait…
Check out some photos of our Senior Girls Volleyball Team in action!
Our Grade 8 boys are doing an excellent job at collaborating and effectively communicating as a volleyball team. You can see…
Our Grade 7 Girls Volleyball Team is bursting with energy and very exciting to watch! They are working hard at developing their…
Our Senior Boys Volleyball Team is off to a great start this year! They are working hard towards a common goal and it shows…
We had to make some small adjustments due to the pool closures, but that didn't stop our triathletes from demonstrating grit,…
A number of our Junior High students competed in the CISAA Track Meet last Friday at Foothills Athletic Park. It was a long…
Our Grade 6 - 9 students took part in Track & Field Day at Glenmore Athletic Park last week. It was cold, the wind was blowing…
What a fun afternoon watching the Staff vs. Students Basketball Game!
Check out some shots of our Grade 7 Boys Basketball Team in action!
Check out some action shots of our Grade 7 Girls Basketball Team this season!
Check out some action shots of our Grade 8 girls from this year's basketball season.
Check out some action shots of our Grade 8 Boys Basketball Team!
Our Senior Girls Basketball Team is enjoying an exciting season so far! They work well together with fierce determination. …
Our Senior Boys are so much fun to watch this season! Their teamwork, speed, and agility are a testament to all of the hard…
There is nothing quite like watching a game between staff and students at the school! Check out some photos from this competitive…
Our Senior Girls had an awesome season of volleyball. They worked so hard and grew so much as players! Check out some shots…
Check out some action shots of our Grade 8 Girls Volleyball Team!
Here are some action shots of our Grade 8 Boys this season!
Our Grade 9 Boys Volleyball Team is having a strong senior year on the court! Check out some action shots of them at work!
Check out some photos of our Grade 7 Girls Volleyball Team in action!
Our Grade 7 Boys are having an awesome volleyball season so far! Check out some action shots from yesterday's game!
Our Grade 6 - 9 classes enjoyed a beautiful day for a Track Meet at Rotary Challenger Park. We have some seriously skilled…
Check out some photos from this year's badminton season!
What a wild basketball game between our staff and students!
Here are some action shots of our Grade 7 Boys Basketball Team finishing up the season!
Here are some shots of our Grade 7 Girls Basketball Team in action!
Check out some action shots from our Grade 8 Boys Basketball Team!
Check out some photos of our Grade 9 Girls Basketball Team in action!
Check out some awesome shots of our Grade 9 Boys playing basketball! They are very fast and incredibly talented!
Our grade 8 girls are off to a great start this season!
Check out the photos from the Staff vs Students game!
Check out some action shots of of the grade 7 boys.
Bump, set, spike it! That's the way we like it! Check out these action shots.
Check out some action shots of the grade 8 boys.
Check out some action shots of the grade 9 boys.
Check out some action shots of the grade 9 girls.
Check out some action shots of the grade 8 girls.
Cross country was back this year and we had the largest team in TCS history with 11 participants (5 grade 7, 2 grade 8 and 4…
Wow! What an amazing day of fun, competition, and community building we had on Friday at our Divisional Track meet! It was great…
Our athletes were excited to compete in the CISAA tournament and Cities. It was great to be back competing in badminton after…
This season's throughline: JOY I cannot begin to express how thankful we are to have been able to successfully complete two…
TCS Eagles Hockey winds up for another successful year. Before Spring Break our students played against their parents in a…
Last Friday the students played in their annual game against CCS. It is an annual event to test out their new found skills…
One of the regular season games got cancelled but the boys still wanted to play. They took their coaches in a very close game. …
Check out some action shots of the grade 9 boys.
Check out some action shots of the grade 9 girls.
Check out some action shots of the grade 7 boys.
Check out some action shots of the grade 7 girls.
Check out some action shots of the grade 8 boys.
Check out some action shots of the grade 8 girls.
We feel blessed that our students could not only practice but also play in regular season and tournaments. With restrictions…
Check out our first ever Athletics Newsletter - TRINITY ATHLETICS! Enjoy! In this months issue: Gym Strip FAQs Phys. Ed. Assessment…
Congratulations to our grade 9 girls for winning silver at the city finals. Congratulations to our grade 9 girls on their second…
Congratulations to our grade 9 boys for winning bronze at the city finals. Congratulations to our grade 9 boys on their first…
Check out photos of our Grade 8 girls crafting their volleyball skills.
Check out our grade 8 boys in action . . .
Check out the grade 7 girls in action . . .
Congratulations to our Grade 7 boys for winning this weekends' triple ball tournament. And to our Grade 7 Girls for their 4th…
We had a great turnout for volleyball camp this week with over 60 athletes participating. Thanks so much to our #tcskidsalumni…
CLICK HERE FOR PHOTOS Our grade 7 and 8 students enjoyed a great day competing at our TCS Track & Field meet yesterday. The…
This season our students were able to keep up their training for basketball. All students who were interested in training were…
It is badminton season again. Playing badminton is a great sport of all level of players. Our grade 5 - 9 students are learning…
Check out our photos from the Grade 9 cohort practices. Link to photos.
Check out our photos from the grade 8 cohort practices and games. Link to photos
Check out photos from our Grade 7 cohort practices. Link to photos.
Back in March our grade 5 and 6 students participated in the annual CCS Floor hockey tournament to raise money for the Flames…
Even though some people say our basketball season is too long, as a coach you always feel like it's not long enough and wish…
Check out some photos of our awesome Grade 9 Girls playing basketball.
The grade 7 girls have had a great season! They are fast, smart, and aren't afraid to be aggressive! Their basketball IQ is developing…
We have another great group of boys this year that each bring something different to the team on the court and off. We are growing…
The grade 7 boys basketball team is a spirited bunch! They are working hard to develop their game and play as a team. "We learn…
This team is a great mix of experienced and brand new players which make for a great team dynamic. So much improvement has been…
It has been an amazing start to the season! The boys have been challenged but have rose to the occasion and surpassed our expectations.…
We always know when it's the end of volleyball season - when the annual staff vs student game has been played! It is always…
Like every year, it is crazy to think that this year's volleyball season is already over. It goes by so fast, yet the growth…
It is amazing that our 2019 volleyball seasons are almost over already. All 6 of our volleyball teams have had very successful…
With only two games left of the regular season our grade 9 boys team is looking strong! Keep up the great teamwork! SchoolGuide…
With half of the regular season games played, the girls are looking strong! Keep up the great teamwork! SchoolGuide Link…
Our Grade 7/8 boys team has really bonded this year and are playing very well together. Keep up the great work! Check out some…
It has been a wonderful start to the year. This team has found success at league play and both tournaments this year so far (Gold…
It is so exciting to watch our grade 7 teams learn and grow in volleyball. What is truly evident is how well the athletes and…
It is so exciting to watch our grade 7 teams learn and grow in volleyball. What is truly evident is how well the athletes and…
Congratulations to all the teams that competed in the Grade 5/6 3 on 3 Basketball Tournament. The level of play and the determination…
Another amazing triathlon! Our Junior High students participated in their triathlon along with Calgary Christian students…
Track was a busy season this year but did not lack drama. We had all kinds of weather through out our 3 track meets, new personal…
Each year the badminton season feels so short with Spring break in the middle of it. We spent a lot of time on badminton in PE…
We had another successful basketball season this year. We had so much interest in basketball this year that we were able to make…
Check out some action shots from the Grade 7 Boys team from the regular season. SchoolGuide Link to Photos
Check out some action shots from the Grade 7/8 T1 Boys team from the regular season. SchoolGuide Link to Photos
Check out some action shots from the Grade 7/8 T2 Girls team from the regular season. SchoolGuide Link to Photos
Check out the action shots from the Grade 9 Boys team from the regular season. SchoolGuide Link to Photos
Check out the action shots of our Grade 9 Girls. More to come including our new international student. SchoolGuide Link…
Check out these action photos showing the perseverance by our Grade 7/8 T1 girls. Proud to be an Eagle. SchoolGuide Link to…
A little fun ball handling at half time! SchoolGuide Link to Photos
The Grade 7/8 Boys have worked hard all season finishing off with a bronze at the Red Deer Lake Volleyball Tournament this weekend. …
Hard to believe the regular season in junior high has come to a close for these grade 9 girls. With only one more tournament…
Ask the grade 7 boys to take their team photo, and what do you get . . . ? It is so exciting to watch our grade 7 teams learn…
Our Grade 7/8 girls are having a great season. With every game and tournament they are strengthening their skills and their…
Grade 9 Boys are off to a great start to the season winning most of their regular season against. The team has been working…
Grade 7 Girls are off to a great start to the season winning all three of their regular season against (GCA, Rundle and Webber). …
Volleyball season has begun with amazing results! This past weekend four of our teams came home from tournaments with medals. …
Our Junior High students participated in their triathlon next to Calgary Christian students last Friday. Congrats to all our…
Please find below photos by Grace B from the Cities Tournament.
Last Friday our Junior High student competed at the CISAA Track and Field Meet. It was an amazing day with 31 of our students…
Despite the cold and the rain, our grade 6 to 9 students were able to keep a smile on their faces as they competed in our annual…
Congratulations to all of our student athletes for working so hard over the past month to master their badminton skills. We…
Last week we had an amazing 1J/2J Badminton tournament! Once again, Trinity was well represented in the medal standings, but…
Congratulations to our Senior Girls who won the CISAA Basketball banner playing CCS tonight - after an UNDEFEATED season!
Please find below some shots from this years basketball season so far.
Please find below some shots from this years basketball season so far.
Please find below some shots from this years basketball season so far.
Please find below some shots from this years basketball season so far.
Please find below some shots from this years basketball season so far. New photos added from the March 6th game.
Please find below some shots from the Grade 9 girls so far this season. More photos were added to the gallery from the March…
Congrats to all of our Grade 8 and 9 teams for a weekend of hard work and team bonding. Our grade 7/8 girls and grade 8 boys…
Congrats to our Grade 7 Boys with bronze around their necks and smiles on their faces! The boys played CCS in the Bronze match…
“Our amazing group of Grade 7 girls had a “Super” volleyball season and went undefeated in regular season matches. Highlights…
What a great year for the Grade 8 girls volleyball team!! Started the season off with a gold medal in their first tournament…
We won!! The Grade 8 boys did it again! For the second straight year, our boys took home the league championship trophy! Their…
Following a nail biting city final, the Senior girls volleyball team finished the season with a Silver medal. Participating…
What a year! Once again, the grade 9 boys did an amazing job this season. We won both of our feeder tournaments and placed…
All of our Jr High VB teams were involved in tournaments this weekend. We are so proud of all of our teams as they played hard…
Congratulations to all of our teams for working so hard over the past two weeks. Your hard work and dedication to the sport…
It is that time of year again! TCS volleyball camps are going great! Thanks to our TCS alumni coaches (Ellen, Alayna, Courtney,…
What an unbelievable afternoon we had yesterday at the triathlon! I am so proud of what I saw from our TRIATHLETES! It brings…
Our TCS athletes competed today at the CISAA despite the cold and the wind. They were able to get most of the events in before…
Our grade 6 through 9 participated in our TCS track meet yesterday. The weather was perfect - the rain held off and it wasn't…
Badminton is a short season but it is a great sport! Our students competed at the Badminton City championships at the beginning…
TCS Eagles Hockey winds up for another successful year. On the Friday before Spring Break our students played against their…
Grade 8 Boys successfully win against Foundations of the Future in a tight game yesterday. Good work boys.
The grade 8 boys played hard tonight against Webber. Great game boys. It was an amazing game to watch. You will get them…
Grade 7 girls fought hard on Thursday against Rundle right down to the buzzer when they tried to sink a ball from midway down…
Last night our Grade 8 girls and Grade 9 boys played against Rundle in regular season play and won both games! Congrats to…
Last night 3 of our teams (Grade 8 and 9 girls and Grade 9 boys) began their basketball season. Please check out the pictures…
What an awesome volleyball season our Eagles had! We were once again blessed with an amazing support system of volunteer coaches,…
Congratulations to our Senior Girls who are the Division 1 City Champions! It was a very exciting (maybe too exciting) game…
Senior Girls win semis against rival Rundle in three sets. They are off to the finals this Saturday at 12:30pm at Rundle Academy.…
The Grade 8/9 Playoff dates and locations are as follows: T1 Boys – Top 4 qualify Nov 8th - (SF & Bronze) @ Calgary…
We are quickly approaching the end of this year's volleyball season. It has been great to hear and watch some close games and…
Congratulation to two of our teams who were Silver medallists at the grade 7 Badminton Zone Championships held at Calgary Academy…
Congratulations to all our athletes competing in this years badminton tournament. Our medalist winners will be moving on to…
Nearly half of our junior high students were celebrated for playing on our basketball teams this season. What a wonderful sight…
What a year for our TCS Senior Basketball teams! Our Senior Girls won Gold and the banner tonight too! Girls also played Webber…
Congratulations to our Senior Boys Basketball team capturing Gold and the banner. TCS prevails in a close fought game 46 to 43…
The Grade 8/9 girls basketball team finished the regular season in first place for the 8/9 Girls (T1) division of the ISAA,…
Congratulations to three of our basketball teams that all played in the gold medal match in OLDS this past weekend. The grade…
The boys senior team has had an amazing season this year. They have become a strong cohesive team that have taken control of…
The Senior Girls Volleyball team had a very exciting season. The team competed for Gold in all the tournaments they participated…
Check out the schedule here.
Congratulations to our Grade 7 boys for working hard this year and bringing home the bronze. The team enjoyed their year end…
The boys and girls senior volleyball teams played in a feeder tournament at Centennial High School this past weekend. The girls…
The TCS senior boys volleyball team had a successful first tournament in September. They are a talented group that felt a little…
What a great week for the TCS Girls Volleyball Camp! The coaches were impressed with the talent and attitude of the girls who…
It was an emotional finish for the TCS track season as it comes to an end for another year. After coaching track for 16 years,…
The Trinity Badminton season has recently come to a conclusion and our Eagle Athletes soared to a very successful finish by capturing…
Please join us in congratulating our Boys Grade 8 Basketball team, coached by Krista Barkey and Jeff Logan. The boys participated…
Please join us in congratulating our Boys Grade 7 Basketball team, coached by Mr. Graffunder and Brad Moffatt. The boys participated…
Please join us in congratulating our Senior Girls Basketball team, coached by Mr. Hielema and Hans Boerstra on winning CISAA…
Please come out and support our junior high basketball athletes play in the finals.... Senior Girls League finals this Thursday…
Our Grade 9 girls won Gold at the CCS Tournament this past weekend! They went undefeated all weekend and beat CCS in the final…
Our TCS Grade 7 girls enjoyed a fantastic volleyball season. After some great learning experiences against grade 8 teams in various…
This volleyball season was a very positive experience for me. I thoroughly enjoyed playing with this incredible group of girls.…
The Trinity Grade 9 girls volleyball team had a very busy, fun and successful season. By participating in 4 tournaments and playing…
The Grade 7 volleyball team didn’t have best start to their season, but they were able to improve a lot. The first games were…
The Grade 8 boys volleyball team had an amazing season! We were blessed with a lot of boys that were passionate about the game…
The grade Nine boys Volleyball started off this year with a group of kids that did not know how to play the sport of volleyball…
We are hosting a number of volleyball games in October starting tonight. Please come cheer on our teams! Please see our calendar for…
Here's to our amazing TCS triathletes!! It was an amazing day and we are so very proud of each and every one!! Way to go…
The TCS track season has come to an end and as we are becoming accustomed to, the Eagles soared stronger, faster and higher than…
We have recently concluded another wonderful season of athletics in our Trinity Extra-curricular sports program. We are so proud…
TCS Senior Boys basketball is hosting league championship her at TCS on Monday and Tuesday next week. Please come and cheer…
Please come join us to watch the Grade 8 Girls and Boys play in the Eagles Basketball Invitational Tournament this weekend! Click…
Congratulations to both our Girls and Boys Senior basketball teams for winning our TCS Invitational. Check out the photo gallery!
Congratulations 3J Sr. Boys Volleyball Team! The senior boys volleyball team accomplished something that no other boys team has…