Another Successful Volleyball Weekend!

All of our Jr High VB teams were involved in tournaments this weekend. We are so proud of all of our teams as they played hard and represented TCS well.
Our grade 7 & 8 Boys and Girls played in the Rally Pointe Grade 8 Tournament. Our Grade 8 boys won GOLD and our grade 8 girls won BRONZE!
It was an amazing tournament for our Grade 7’s as well - learning and growing against tough competition. The Grade 7 Girls were successful at beating 2 Grade 8 teams.
Our senior boys and girls played in the Centennial Feeder School Tournament this weekend and both won GOLD.
Wow! This is truly amazing as we are the smallest school that is part of this tournament. Some of the feeder schools have 500+ jr high students. We only have 120 jr high students.
Thanks to all the coaches and teacher sponsors for your dedication to our EAGLES!