TCS Family Stories

The Vriend Family

Celebrating a decade-long journey with TCS – Ten years of growth, laughter, and memories that have woven themselves into the fabric of our family. From David's stint as the facility manager to Jody's role as the Finance Manager, our TCS experience was a family affair.

Our six kids, Devin, Emily, Daniel, Mirtalem, Biniyam, and Liyu, have fond memories etched in every corner of TCS. From thrilling sports events and drama performances to exciting field trips and the unforgettable 30-Hour Famine, TCS provided not just education but a holistic experience that enriched their lives.

Yet, when we asked our children what they loved most, the resounding answer was clear – it's the friends that made and the sense of community fostered at TCS. Beyond academics and extracurriculars, it's the camaraderie and connection that made TCS a second home.

For us, TCS was more than an educational institution; it was a haven of Christian teachings and values. Education is crucial, but the emphasis on spiritual formation and well-being aligned perfectly with our values. The Teaching For Transformation approach resonated deeply with us, and the encouragement of parental involvement made us feel like active partners in our children's growth.

As TCS marks its 30th Anniversary, we extend heartfelt congratulations and gratitude. May the next 30 years be filled with even more joy, learning, and community-building. Here's to the TCS family, where education meets heart, and may the Good Lord continue to bless the school on its journey. Happy Anniversary, TCS!

The McCausland Family

TCS - Celebrating 30 years By Faith
Patrick & Deonne McCausland
4 students: Meghan, Aiden, Callum, Bryce
Each K-9
17 years: September 2006-June 2023

We are grateful for how TCS “prepared our children for a life of learning and service in His world and by His grace while partnering with us and the ‘Church’; leading them into their unique potential for the glory of God.” If this sounds familiar, it’s because TCS has remained faithful in its mission and vision. Our children have been nurtured by this partnership in educating and raising them up to continue to be all that God intends. The Christian world view imbedded in academics, arts and sports has shaped their perspectives and approach to life and learning. Time at Trinity equipped them to participate in the body of Christ and the surrounding culture as lights, revealing the hope of Christ in the dark and broken places.

The community that surrounded us, and still does through lifelong friendships, has carried us through much of child rearing. Teachers, friends, staff, coaches, caring parents and pastors have spoken life-giving, kingdom-building words into all of us. We have been a part of this Trinity community for just over half its existence including field trips, sports, drama and musical performances, chapels, walk-a-thons, committee meetings, homework and study, service and prayer group. Many have come before us and many more will follow after because God is faithful in working out His purposes throughout the generations so that we can all say: We have fought the good fight, we have finished the race and kept the faith. May it continue to be so. Thank you TCS.

The Mores Family

As we celebrate the remarkable milestone of TCS’s 30th anniversary, it brings immense joy to reflect on the cherished moments that have enriched the lives of our two children, Psalm and Paul. Despite being new to Canada, they have easily adjusted to their new environment, as the TCS community has provided a supportive and inclusive atmosphere where friendships are established, talents are cultivated, and dreams are realized. For Psalm, who is now in Grade 9, and Paul, who is now in Grade 6, one of the most beloved aspects of TCS has been the sense of belonging and camaraderie within and outside their classrooms. Whether it's participating in classroom discussions, collaborating on projects, or engaging in extracurricular activities, Psalm and Paul find endless opportunities to thrive. Psalm is able to use her talents by joining Praise Band and Performing Arts. Likewise, Paul was able to showcase his talents in playing the main character as Nathaniel in a Christmas Musical Play. These experiences not only enhance their talents, but also foster leadership skills, confidence, creativity, and teamwork. Such memorable experiences for us, especially to my children.

TCS not only inspires academic achievement, but also offers extracurricular activities, including sports and performing arts. Most importantly, the school is committed to nurturing spiritual growth beyond the classroom, providing opportunities for students to participate in retreats, chapel services, and service-learning experiences that deepen their relationship with God and foster a heart for serving others. Overall, Trinity Christian School is a place where God's presence is not only acknowledged, but celebrated, creating a supportive and uplifting environment where students are encouraged to grow academically, spiritually, and personally as they embark on their journey of learning and faith.

Happy 30th anniversary, Trinity Christian School! Here's to many more years of inspiring excellence and shaping the lives of generations to come.

The Oostenbrink Family

The thing I loved that being a part of is the sense of community.  Being part of the committees in the school and meeting other people was a great joy for me.  I loved volunteering at the school.  Getting to know the teachers and parents that were part of my kids lives was important to me.  I loved the teachers at the school, and the years we were part of the school were very memorable.  Serving God at the school was wonderful.

- Deb Oostenbrink

The Betsworth Family

In our experience, TCS has been a place that houses a lot of genuine love. Our oldest son Collin, who lived with severe disabilities, had miraculously reached the age appropriate to start his school journey. As first time parents searching for a program that would meet the complicated needs of our son, we had many doors closed to us. But I can remember sitting in Stan Hielema’s office at this small Christian school and as we expressed what we as parents wanted for our son, this genuine soul before us continued to listen with an open mind. His words still resonate with us, “ we want TCS to reflect the community that we live in” and to him that included a child like Collin.

TCS had very little experience providing an education program for a child with such severe needs but that did deter them from making it happen successfully. Our son was deeply loved by an incredible community of students, teachers and parents. Collin’s successes were celebrated by his entire class. I saw students have a real heart for Collin, wanting to help any way they could, reading to him, including him, giving him high fives and making him laugh that infectious laugh. Our son experienced true joy because of the love that surrounded him every day that he showed up for school. We will forever be fantastically thankful that God directed us to TCS.

The Wiebe Family

Both of our daughters attended TCS from Kindergarten through grade 9, Janelle (2004-2014) and Isabelle (2006-2016). There is so much we could share, but what stands out the most when we reflect on their time at TCS is how it was so much more than an educational institution for our girls; it was also a wonderful and caring community for our whole family.

A vivid example of this, and God’s faithfulness, was when Isabelle was in grade 6 and experienced a serious health crisis which resulted in her being sent by air ambulance from the Children’s Hospital in Calgary to the Stollery Children’s Hospital in Edmonton. Parents came forward to drive us to Edmonton in the middle of the night; families stepped in to care for Janelle; a mom drove to Edmonton to deliver get well cards from Isabelle’s classmates; we were told stories of parents, staff and students gathering to pray. Miraculously Isabelle recovered and the TCS community celebrated with us. All four of us are so grateful for the experiences, memories, and friendships from our time with TCS.

The Zidcovich Family

Our 3 children, Katerina, Michael and Samuel attended TCS from K-9 from 2004-2019 for a total of 15 years.

Our desire, for our children, was an educational experience where Jesus would be woven in and through everything they learnt throughout the day.

We were led to Trinity Christian School where in the continuity and consistency of school life in the classroom, on the court (Go Eagles!), in the hallways and school activities, our family made connections with teachers, staff, classmates and their families who spoke God’s love into our lives and framed our experience of education within the context of a Christ-centred community.

Together with church and home, Trinity became part of a sacred space for our children where we saw God work in and through all circumstances; where disappointment and difficulty deepened our faith as we sought and found Him, where success and triumph evidenced His faithfulness giving cause to worship and praise Him. All in the ordinariness of daily life.

As our family entered the larger world stage and encountered a wider spectrum of values and views, our children have appreciated the foundation of faith in Christ nurtured in those early years. It has shaped their priorities and prepared them to live and give His hope.

We celebrate God’s faithfulness to you these last 30 years, Trinity. May He bless you as you continue, by faith, to create sacred spaces for children and their families.

The Seutter Family

Our twins attended TCS from kindergarten to 1/2 year of grade 7 and our youngest from kindergarten to 1/2 year of grade 2, from 2008 - 2015. We wanted our children's early education to have a Christ-centred focus. We also wanted smaller class sizes. We chose TCS for those reasons. We are ever so thankful. Work moved us to Texas, however, the friendships made at TCS have endured. The sense of community has been one of the many blessed memories we have. 

The Oseni Family

Our family is most thankful to God for directing our steps and leading us to TCS. As a new family in Calgary, we desired a school that shared our values without undermining our faith. Our eldest daughter thrived and blossomed here. She developed skills we didn’t know she possessed and her academics picked up excellently. Those were enough reasons to transfer our son here as well. Both of them, now in grades 9 and 7, have kept growing through each class they have been. We are indeed grateful to the community at TCS. We are really looking forward to our 3rd child beginning her experiences in a few months. 

The Silva Family

We are very thankful for TCS who helped our daughter to grow and achieve many things, not only grew academically but put inside a passion for athletics which increased her confidence and gained lots of friends for life. Also we thank God for choosing the school for our family to be part of it since grade 5. We as a family and our daughter were very scared at the beginning because coming from a public school system and not being up and running academically in the right direction brought her steps behind according to her age and once we met TCS teachers and they made a statement that our daughter was behind and had to retake grade 5, it was a devastating news but we trusted the Lord and we took that as a great opportunity for her, which was one of the best decision taken in our lives. Thank you TCS! We love each of you! 

The Gao Family

Our two boys, Jonathan and Samuel, attended TCS from 2012 to 2021, with Jonathan attending from 2012 to 2018 and Samuel from 2012 to 2021. During these incredible 10 years, we experienced countless unforgettable moments. Trinity was more than just a school to us; it was a prayer answered. In May 2012, I arrived in Calgary with a mission to find a house and a school within one month. With no recommendations, I discovered TCS and paid a visit. I was certain that this was the school I had been looking for. To my surprise, when I mentioned that I was also house hunting, they informed me that the vice principal was selling his house! That is the house we are living in today! While house hunting was a small bonus of finding TCS, the impact the school had on my boys was priceless. When Jonathan first arrived in Calgary from Vancouver, he considered himself mediocre. However, when he met his homeroom teacher, Mr. Carter, who taught music and bible studies, he found where he belonged. Mr. Carter recognized Jonathan's musical talent and encouraged him to join the band. With his confidence boosted, Jonathan began to excel in all other subjects. Today, he is the worship leader and youth leader of our church. I am incredibly grateful for the Christ-like example set by the teachers at TCS. Starting parent-teacher interviews with prayers and handling students' problems with love and kindness, all give us the assurance that our boys are in good hands. There are many more stories I could share from those 10 years, but overall, I would say, "Jesus is here!" God bless TCS, and happy 30th anniversary!

The Nenanya Family

Our Journey to TCS was divine and meant to be. We were introduced to this amazing school by our family friend after expressing our interest in a faith-based school that aligns with our values and faith, where Christ is the center of what the school stands for. Honestly, we got more than we bargained for at TCS. It is not just the fact that our kids know who they are in Christ Jesus but that the school promotes an environment where they can flourish and grow with the word of God. The feeling of being part of a community where they have your best interest at heart is one of the reasons why we love it there. It is our third year in the school, and it feels like we have been with the school for a long time, simply because it feels like home and a safe haven where our kids can share and express themselves freely without fear or judgment. Another beautiful thing about the TCS family is the relationships we form with other parents, teachers, and the school. The teachers give constructive feedback about our kids, and we know it is from a place of love and care towards our children. They work with us every step of the way in doing what is best for our children and we feel blessed by their support.

Our oldest in grade 9 has shown tremendous growth and achievement in just three years, he has found activities that he is passionate about and has acquired life skills that will stay with him for the rest of his life. While our other kids in grades 4 and 2 respectively would continue to be a work in progress. They continue to grow and blossom in everything they embark on with strong support from the team they work with at TCS. Our kids are growing up to be well-rounded physically, socially, mentally, and spiritually in a Christ-centered environment.

Congratulations to TCS at 30 years, it has what it takes for another 30 years because you are changing lives and impacting our world today by raising the next generation and the Future.

The Lam Family

Since 2012, our family has enjoyed the privilege of being part of the Trinity Christian School community. Although we homeschooled for a time, we continued to maintain connections with several TCS families. The decision to return to TCS in 2021 was an easy one, prompted by our fond memories and our appreciation for the welcoming atmosphere, biblical teachings, and dedicated staff. We cherish the positive relationships we have built over the years as well as the wonderful learning, athletic, performing, and volunteer experiences our family has had here. TCS has played an important role in shaping our kids’ educational, relational, and faith journeys, offering them a supportive and encouraging environment for academic, personal, and spiritual growth. We pray that God would continue to bless the TCS community, and we look forward to continuing our journey here in the years to come. Go Eagles!

The Robianes Family

As parents and Christ followers, we acknowledged the necessity to search for a biblical perspective in terms of Christian education. We were advised by fellow believers in Christ to homeschool our daughter, Maria. As parents we are aspired to plant, train and educate our daughter firmly about biblical foundation. Homeschooling truly is a privilege, however the situation did not permit us to have an opportunity to homeschool as new immigrants to Canada at that time.

We recognized how Christian education and values are vital to our daughter's journey in Christian faith. Through trusting the Lord by faith, He led us to TCS. We were amazed how God displayed His faithfulness by seeing our daughter flourish in every aspect of her learning. Naturally, the journey is not perfect, as there are ups and downs. But, we have seen the love of God through the school community. We are pleased and grateful to all teachers, staff and pastors as they are devoted to meet the particular needs of each student by fostering kindness and charity. We love he comprehensive approach that the teachers have provided by bringing out God-given gifts of each students in academics, sports, services and ministries like praise and worship and many more. Moreover, we have felt the warmth and love of caring parents who never fail to encourage us through sending emails and uttering good words. The academic environment creates opportunities where parents and teachers can work together and have children's best interest in mind. We appreciate the Educational Institution, as it has the heart to strive and advance Christian values in the society through exhibiting Christian works. Our family will cherish the good memories and experiences that made our daughter deepen and mature in Christian faith.

Our sincere Congratulations as TCS marks it's 30th Anniversary.  We pray that God will continue to use you more to hone Christian moral values to many more children.