TCS Gear Store

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Gym Strip Requirements

Gym Strips are required for all students grades 6-9.

The store will be open until the end of July for parents to purchase gym strips. If they order in July then shipping will be free. However, if they wait until ordering in September, then they will need to pay a shipping fee. Also, if they order in July, their gym strip will be ready for them right away in September.

Ordering Gym Strip for the new school year.   Like last year, we will once again be using our Online School Store for families and students to not only order TCS gear, but more specifically their TCS gym strip. You will notice that the online store looks a little different than last year, as we are with a different apparel company this year. Students will need a blue Trinity Athletics t-shirt and a pair of black Trinity Athletics shorts . There are many options available including youth and ladies sizes and styles. There are also Lululemon options if parents wish. The school store will be open from now until July 31st and again from September 1-13 . If parents purchase gym strips in July, there will be no shipping costs and students will receive their gym strip right away in September. If parents purchase in September, there will be a shipping cost as those orders will be shipped directly to their house. In order to ensure your child meets our gym strip expectations throughout the school year, we suggest you purchase 2 sets of gym strips (in case one goes missing) or even 2 shirts and 1 pair of shorts. To ensure proper sizing please look at the sizing charts in the online store. We also strongly encourage students to use and lock their gym lockers to ensure their gym strip does not "walk away".

Why do we have a school mandated gym strip? For a number of reasons; (1) This way we can ensure all students have access to good and safe gym gear that does not restrict movement, (2) To reinforce the importance of changing for PE, to promote healthy hygiene, (3) To get into the mental head space to engage in physical activity, (4) This gym strip has been approved by our school admin and meets our school’s dress code, (5) Having a unified gym strip communicates to students the teamwork and collaboration that we expect under the Trinity banner because WE ARE ALL EAGLES!

Do students need to wear TCS gym strip every day? Yes! Of course, we encourage students to wash their strip regularly, but this should be done on weekends so that they can ensure they have it for the following Monday. Many students will have their gym strip from last year so they can wear those again this year.

If you have any questions, please let me know.


Andrew Dykshoorn 


If you have any questions, please feel free to direct them to the following:

All others please contact Mr. Dykshoorn or Lara Kozan