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Kindergarten 2025

This class is now full, however we are welcoming applications to go into the waitpool. If you would like more information, please contact audra.chase@pallisersd.ab.ca

2024 Enrollment: Kindergarten - Grade 9

Many of these grades are at capacity with large wait pools.  If you would like more information about your grade of interest, please email: audra.chase@pallisersd.ab.ca.



STEP 1 – Submit an Application

Please contact Audra Chase directly at 403-254-6682 ext. 280 or email at audra.chase@pallisersd.ab.ca to request the link to our on-line application. 

*Note Kindergarten Application Timing below.*

*Please provide us with the following information so that we can best assist you:

  • your name
  • contact phone number
  • preferred start date (month/year)
  • grade(s) your child(ren) would be entering on your preferred start date

STEP 2 – ACSCS Membership Interview

Once you have submitted a completed application we will review your file. Our Admissions Coordinator will contact you to schedule your ACSCS Membership Interview. We want to partner with your family and your church as we educate and disciple your child(ren). We want to get to know you!

The purpose of the interview is three fold:

  1. To begin a relationship through dialogue, sharing of faith journeys and answering of questions,
  2. To discuss the roles and responsibilities of ACSCS Members (ie volunteering, attendance at ACSCS meetings, payment of Program Fees and ACSCS Fees), and
  3. To ensure the parents’ eligibility for ACSCS Membership and to explain the process of approval to membership into the ACSCS.

Following the interview, the Society Membership application is presented to the Board of Directors for approval.  

STEP 3:   Administration/Learning Support Review for Classroom Placement

When there is space available in the applicable classroom, Administration and/or Learning Support will review the report cards and educational documents to determine the needs of the student and classroom suitability.  Upon the recommendation of Administration and/or Learning Support, the student’s placement is confirmed.  If there is no class space available, the student remains in the wait pool until there is an opening, at which time a review for placement will be completed by Administration and/or Learning Support.

STEP 4 - Acceptance & Enrolment

You will be updated about the status of your application after each step. If you have been accepted into TCS our Admissions Coordinator will notify you by phone and email you an acceptance letter and your enrolment documents.

Other Items to Consider when Applying

Age Entrance Requirement

The age entrance requirement for Kindergarten is age five years by December 31 of the year enrolled. 

The age entrance requirement for Grade 1 is age six years by December 31 of the year enrolled.  Parents of children with birthdays after December 31, who have successfully completed kindergarten, may appeal to the ACSCS Board of Directors.  With an appeal they must provide supporting educational assessments.



Kindergarten 2025

Thank you for your interest in Kindergarten 2025.  This class is now full and has a waitpool.  If you would like more information, please contact Audra Chase at audra.chase@pallisersd.ab.ca