Apply Now


***Trinity Christian School is a busy and full facility. Due to this, the Admissions Office is NOT able to accommodate “walk in” inquiries.  If you want to know more about possible enrollment, please contact us via email.***



2024 Enrollment: Kindergarten - Grade 9

Enrollment for the 2024-2025 school year is now full.  There are extensive wait pools in all grades for the fall of 2025.  If you would like to know more, please email the Admissions Office at admissions@tcskids.com.

Kindergarten 2025

This class is now full, however we are welcoming applications to go into the waitpool. If you would like more information, please contact admissions@tcskids.com.

Kindergarten 2026 Information

Please check back in January for more detailed information.




Submit an inquiry to the Admissions Office at admissions@tcskids.com.  Please provide the following information:

  • Parent name
  • Phone number
  • Preferred start date
  • Grade(s) your child(ren) would enter on the preferred start date


Submit an application.  The first part of the application has the following information:

  • Parent information (names, emails, phone numbers, home address)
  • Student information (birthdate, gender, grade, information regarding any support/diagnosis/services accessed)
  • Faith/Church information (name of church you attend regularly, name and contact for a pastor that can provide a reference)

STEP 3:   

Completion of the faith documents and pastoral reference

  • TCS requires our families to be of the Christian faith and connected to a local Christian church that can provide a reference on your behalf.


ACSCS Society Interview

  • This is an in-person meeting with the Admissions Director.  It is a time to share your faith stories, go over important Society information (fees, volunteering, annual meetings, etc…) as well as ask any further questions.



Learning Support Review

  • When space opens for your child, the application will be reviewed by our Learning Support Team.  When there are supports needed by the student, the LST will take into consideration any students already in your grade of interest to see if we can accommodate additional support in that class.  If we are not able to accommodate, then your student’s application will remain in the wait pool.


Acceptance and Enrollment

  • Once acceptance is offered, a Capital Contribution of $1,200 will be required.
  • The final step will to be complete enrollment documents.  



Other Items to Consider when Applying

Age Entrance Requirement

The age entrance requirement for Kindergarten is age five years by December 31 of the year enrolled. 

The age entrance requirement for Grade 1 is age six years by December 31 of the year enrolled.  Parents of children with birthdays after December 31, who have successfully completed kindergarten, may appeal to the ACSCS Board of Directors.  With an appeal they must provide supporting educational assessments.