Volunteer of the Year Award

Each year we like to recognize volunteers who go above and beyond volunteer service in and around our school.
We are very blessed at TCS with so many willing volunteers helping everywhere around the school. This year we want to recognize Corey Janssen, Randy Jaimeson and Dedre Van Shoor who were nominated along with our Volunteer of the Year recipient Heather McCollister for their many hours of coaching, sewing for the drama productions, assisting on field trips, driving, reading and serving for the betterment of all student here at TCS.
As mentioned, this years recipient of the 2019 Volunteer of the year award was awarded to Heather McCollister. Heather has been involved with TCS from beginning as a teacher and has continued to work tirelessly, as a parent volunteer, in many areas of school life. She has spent years here at TCS volunteering her time, talents and expertise. She is currently volunteering on the TOC committee, with SALTS, as a class volunteer, driver for options and athletics and as a field trip volunteer. She is seen daily around the school wearing many different hats and since she has been at the school pretty much since its beginning 25 years ago it is very fitting that this year's volunteer of the year award goes to Heather McCollister!
Thank you to ALL of our parents who volunteer at TCS. We would love to show our appreciation at our annual Volunteer Appreciation Breakfast on Thursday, June 13th at 8:30am.