Your Society Board Members: Thank you for serving!

We have 4 members of our ACSCS Board who have served their 3 year term and will be finishing their time on the board at the end of this school year. We want to express our heartfelt thanks to Judie Harder,Doug Bartlett,Michael Rust and Jodi Montalvo for their years of service. These four have been played an integral part in transitioning our board from an operations to a governance model board. They have served with perseverance sharing their wisdom, grace and hard work.
Besides her contribution as a board member, Jodi Montalvo has been part of our HR team providing invaluable guidance and advice over the years that has served to heighten the professionalism and care we provide to our staff.
Judie Harder has served in the role of secretary. Judie’s attention to detail and strong work ethic have been a blessing to the team. This is such an important role and Judie has filled this role in such a diligent manner, she will be greatly missed.
Doug’s passion for our school, and most of all for God, shines through in every task he is involved in. Doug has served for many years on our Policy Committee a task that is crucial to the operations and management of our school.
Michael Rust has served in areas of IT, Finance and has served as our treasurer for his first 2 years on the board. Michael’s experience in business and church life has provided a steady insightful source of advice for the team over these past 3 years.
We will miss having all these folks around the board room table and thank them for their sacrificial service to our community for the past 3 years.