Setting Sail

We awoke to a very calm, sunny morning as Foreward Watch scrubbed the deck at 7:00 am. We saw some bald eagles soaring through the air as the deck was scrubbed and polished. Later in the morning, the students had a lesson on charts while the chaperones played a close game of crib. After a delicious lunch of chili and cornbread, we left the cove and headed into the Swanson Channel. The wind picked up and we quickly set the sails and sailed without the motor for over 4 hours. It was fantastic as we tacked back and forth through the channel. A few of us even saw a whale again. The students had another lesson on tacking while we sailed. After taking down the sails we anchored in Bedwell Harbour at Pender Island. As the sun was setting the winds died down and we had a calm, smooth evening on water that looked like glass. We ate another delicious meal of butter chicken, rice, and salad. We ended the evening with “mug up” in the hold on the boat. After three days of fresh air and hard work, we are all tired and looking forward to a good night’s sleep.