Leap of Faith

Wow! What a day! After the first lesson this morning, both ships joined together on the Swift to take a leap of faith into the water. Several of us swung through the air on the giant rope swing, plunging into the freezing waters. It was truly terrifying and exhilarating at the same time. Several others jumped off the side of boat or from the shrouds.
We have very limited cell range tonight so I am having lots of challenges posting the update and the pictures. I will do what I can and then will add the pictures once we are in range tomorrow.
We powered for about 2 hours and then anchored near Russell Island. After their final lesson of "rules of the water", we launched the dories and rowed to shore. We explored the shoreline of crushed shells and then waded through the water near the shore as our skippers dove to find exciting sea creatures like sea cucumbers and sea stars for us to hold and look at. As we concluded our hike around the island we came across several apple trees. We all enjoyed the crunchiest, juiciest apples we have had in a long time. The rains began so we were completely soaked by the time we rowed back to the boats and got the dories put away. Had another fun evening on the Grace as a whole group. Most are fast asleep now except for those on night watch.
We are down to our final two nights. It has already been a wonderful experience, but we are looking forward to experiencing all God has for us in the remaining two days.