S.A.L.T.S. Day 4

This morning was rainy and cool so our rain gear was an appreciated asset! Some of our crew found some quiet spaces to read in the cool morning. Today two of our trainees had their birthdays so we were able to capture them each taking a turn to steer the Pacific Grace. After breakfast, each watch group completed a review of the lessons we have had and then all of the trainees wrote their Junior Sailor’s test. We then enjoyed a warm bowl of chili with yummy cornbread on the deck before we weighed the anchor and set out to check our prawn traps. To our delight, we caught 150 prawns! We also found two octopuses which we watched for awhile, one of them inked as soon as it landed in the tank, before releasing them back to the ocean. Tomorrow we will enjoy a yummy prawn treat. This afternoon the wind picked up and made for a perfect few hours of sailing where we got to tack and put so much of what we have learned into practice. Each day we do a ”tuck and tidy” in our cabins, but some pictures reveal what happens shortly afterwards. Games are just beginning and then it will be time for mug up which is always a highlight with great singing and yummy snacks and a warm drink to end our evening. We have experienced so much this week and can’t believe we are down to our final night on the Grace.