Day Three: Sunshine and Smiles

Today we awoke to a slightly overcast sky that quickly turned into a vast blue horizon. This encouraged smiles on everyone’s faces after a solid day of rain on Monday; both through the day and night (much to the dismay of our very cold night watch crews).
After a morning lesson learning how to navigate and chart for sailing we hopped on the dories to head to shore for sweet orchard apples right from the tree, crabbing in tidal pools and a beautiful walk along the shell beach. The student’s progress back to shore on the dories made for much more stable boats and less wet bums in the boat. Alas, rowing sure does teach team work.
This afternoon God blesses us with soft winds so we lifted the sails and enjoyed the winds and sun as they carried our smiles and spirits through Juan de Fuca Straights. Praying for more sunshine tomorrow and dry nights for our crews tonight.
Good food, good laughs, good friends all day long!!