Misty Morning
We awoke to a cool, misty morning as we were surrounded by fog and could not see past the bow of the ships. It was a completely different morning than we have been experiencing, yet very cool to feel like we were all alone on the sea. We could hear distant fog horns of passing ships as well as the seal lions barking on an nearby island. We began our day with a quiet time reflecting on who God is, who we are, and how God has spoken to us throughout this trip. We thought about what stretched us and what we have learned about ourselves and others in community. Due to the intense fog, we were not able to sail much so we slowly drifted through the mist savoring our final moments together aboard the Swift and Grace. Finally, we sailed into Victoria and as soon as we entered the harbor, the fog disappeared and it was warm and sunny. We took some final group pictures and pictures of our three watch groups on each boat before we disembarked. We are so thankful for the gift of this amazing adventure together and look forward to seeing how God will use each one of us to bring glory to Him throughout the remainder of this grade nine year.