Day 5: The Race Is On

We awoke to clear blue skies once again, but with a chilly wind that would provide a very successful day of sailing. The students wrote their Junior Certificate Sailing Test this morning which involved reading maps.
Just before lunch, the Swift pulled away from the Grace while the Grace weighed the anchor. Our first mission was to pull up the prawn traps we had set last night. Within the hour we set off for a couple of hours of awesome sailing in the brilliant sunshine. During our last hour of sailing, with full sails, the race was on as the boats battled for the best position in the brisk, blowing breeze. It was a 10/10 sailing experience.
We are currently anchored in Cadboro Bay for the evening. There is a scurry of activity below as the focsle battles the hold to have the cleanest area. We look forward to our delicious snack and fun singing time during mug up for our last evening aboard these tall ships.
It has been a fantastic week filled with adventure, climbing, exploring, games, talks, stories, and being stretched. Please continue to pray for us during our final day during this awesome experience.
See you Friday evening at the Westjet arrival area at 8:51 pm.