Day 4: Whales...I think?

This morning, we woke up to a cloudy and cool sky. Students had weathered another windy night watch, and they were eager for a warm breakfast. With their bellies newly full, students turned their attention to their next class on reading charts. The SALTS crew does an excellent job of teaching chart work and navigation. Students have learned a lot already in the course of the week, and many are working hard to prepare for the certification exam at the end of the week.
Following class time, we pulled up the anchor and started making our way to our next destination. In the distance a pair of humpback whales sprayed proudly as they came to the surface. Students clamored for binoculars and share the joy and excitement of seeing the massive creatures in the distance. Unfortunately, the whales had an alternate itinerary and were in the opposite direction of our travel. Reluctantly, we bid adieu to our mammal friends and started heading back towards our destination of Cole's Bay. On our way, the wind and rain picked up, and we experienced some rocking and rolling on the backs of the waves. However, as quickly as the rain came, it was gone again, and the sun poked through the clouds.
The warm weather brought with in a nice gentle breeze and the opportunity to raise our sails. Students worked together to raise the sails, and soon we were riding the wind towards our destination. Along the way, we were met by hundreds of Salmon jumping out of the water. The crew quickly jumped into action, and soon the fishing lines were trolling behind the boat. Unfortunately, the trolling was unsuccessful, but the crew were determined to treat the students to fresh seafood. As we approached Coles Bay, we dropped a prawn trap, and we are excited for fresh prawns to eat tomorrow!
After the anchor was set, and dinner had been eaten, students were challenged to compete in a "Tuck and Tidy" - essentially a time to clean their bunks. SALTS makes it a competition between boats, and students quickly scamper down to clean their area which includes the bathroom (They can do it!). They are now playing a game on the deck before gathering for mug-up singing and a night snack.
Thank you for your continued prayers. The weather has been incredible, and we are grateful for safety and health!