Spring Society Meeting: Meet Your New Members!

Thanks to all who attended our 2019 Spring Society Meeting on Thursday, May 30th. Robert Strauss and Dave Driscoll brought greetings from Palliser Regional School Division. There was an update from our Principals and we heard details of and approved our 2019/20 budget. We also had an opportunity to thank 4 board members who are completing their 3 year term at the end of this school year. Our thanks and appreciation go to Doug Bartlett, Judie Harder, Jodi Montalvo and Michael Rust. To read more please click here. We also elected and welcomed 3 new board members. Congratulations to Corey Janssen, Robert Kearnes and Andrea Vickers as they will join our ACSCS board for a 3 year term from 2019-2022. Click here to learn more about your new members.