Welcome to our New Vice Principal Junior High - Lesley Wenzel

Born and raised in Calgary, Lesley and her husband Jeff spent some years living in France after her first few years teaching. She has been teaching for over 20 years, teaching most subjects and grades in elementary in some capacity and as a substitute in both Jr. High and High School. Lesley spent the last 4 years as the Learning Support Teacher at Master’s.
Lesley did her undergraduate work in Education at the University of Alberta and finished her graduate work at the University of Calgary receiving her M. Ed in Interdisciplinary Research with a focus in Creative Development for Innovation in Teaching and Learning. Lesley is also an artist, creator, entrepreneur, and mother of 3.
Lesley spends any spare time writing, painting, reading, dog walking, golfing, skiing, camping and traveling; anything that gets her out in the world with her amazing husband and kids doing something adventurous and creative.
With a strong focus on culture and human capacity building, Lesley believes that her best role as a teacher is to bring out a child’s understanding of his or her own identity as a learning and innovator. She believes that all children are born with the God given ability to be creators and innovators. “As we develop strong fundamental skills, provide effective tools, in an environment of grace, children learn that all things are possible.”
Lesley is excited about her new adventure at Trinity; she is most excited about working in a faith community with strong leadership and a passion for meeting diverse student needs in a way that promotes student’s God given gifts and talents.