TCS Theatre Memory Lane

May is traditionally our spring production so we thought we would celebrate by going down memory lane. Stay tuned for some fun - we are going to revisit 15 years of TCS productions during the month of May! This year's production of "The Hobbit" which was postponed will be produced next school year.
Check back here for more photos of productions from the past 15 years produced by our own Mrs. Loepkky.
- 2004 - The Emperor's New Clothes
- 2005 - The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
- 2006 - The Princess and the Pea
- 2007 - Anne of Green Gables
- 2008 - It's Cool in the Furnace
- 2009 - Prince Ugly
- 2010 - Charlotte's Web
- 2011 - Robin Hood
- 2012 - James and the Giant Peach
- 2013 - Treasure Island
- 2014 - The Magician's Nephew
- 2015 - Seussical the Musical
- 2016 - Wenceslas / Musical Theatre Showcase
- 2017 - Alice's Wonderland
- 2018- The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
- 2019 - Beauty and the Beast
TCS Theatre 2004: The Emperor’s New Clothes
The Emperor’s New Clothes, in 2004, was our very first TCS Theatre production.
Co-directed by Mr. Glenn Mitchell and Mrs. Loeppky, this story was presented with sound effects from the student “orchestra” and a very enthusiastic cast in grades 7-9. Adapting the story for stage, we had the emperor wearing a red underwear onesie for the scene where he realized he had no clothes, keeping it family-friendly of course! Lots of laughs and good memories.
TCS Theatre 2005 & 2018 - The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
TCS Theatre has performed "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe" twice over the years.
The 2005 production was presented in the large gym and we filled the stage with many artificial Christmas trees to create the forest of Narnia. We also used a lot of face paint on students to create all the creatures. We even invented a unique Narnian called the "Mangor", a two-headed horned creature played by 2 girls who wanted to share the role. Our own staff member, Alyssa Stasko played the White Stag and created a dance number for the scene. Another fun memory -- during the great fight scene between the witch and Aslan's army, one actor threw our stuffed rabbit into the air and another actor caught it on the end of her sword - her reaction on stage was priceless.
In the 2018 production, we created the world of Narnia in the Drama Room, turning it tinto our theatre. Tall trees reached up 2 stories high, and the audience entered the space by passing through the fur coats behind the wardrobe door. Thanks to some excellent technical help, projection and surround sound gave every person in attendance the feeling of being in the story, not just watching it. Our cast was very busy changing roles and costumes throughout the show, to provide much color and movement to the story. We included puppetry, voice over, dance and song, snowfall and even the vibrations of an earthquake!
For more photos and information on the 2018 production click here.