Sports Day

Unfortunately we spent Sports Day indoors again this year due to the high level of smoke outside. However, fun was still had, community was still built, and the competitive spirit was still strong. We had a lot of fun with our theme this year; Looney Tunes.
The gr. 8s did an amazing of job of being adaptable and running some awesome stations in classrooms, hallways, and of course the gyms.
Stations varied from relay races, face painting, free throw contests, and spitball target practice!
The event would not have been nearly successful if it wasn't for the gr. 7 group leaders. They did attendance regularly, brought younger teammates to the bathroom, and filled any gaps with games and laughter.
There were 15 groups in total and at each station they could earn up to 10 points. The top 4 teams with the highest score are below.
- 1st - Speedy Gonzalez
- 2nd - Lola Bunny
- 3rd - Bugs Bunny
- 4th - Road Runner