School Starts September 1st!

School is just around the corner . . .
. . . Are you ready?
Here are some important items for the first few days of school.
School Supplies: Please bring all your supplies on the first day. If you have not already purchased them, please click here to find your supply list by grade.
Indoor/Outdoor Shoes: Please bring a pair of indoor shoes on your first day.
School-Wide Chapel: In the gym on the first day from 8:45am to 9:30 am . All parents/families are welcome. There will be a brief parent information meeting after Chapel for 15-20 minutes.
“Cobbs and Dogs” BBQ at noon: All parents/families are welcome. Rain or shine! Our BBQ, weather-permitting, will be on the playground. We do not have a lot of seating outside. It is recommended you bring a blanket to sit on to eat your lunch.
Car Pooling: Please use our Bulletin Board to find car pooling opportunities.
Golf Tournament: Sign up today for our 19th Annual Golf Classic - lots of fun and a great way to meet other TCS parents. Friends are welcome.
Volunteering: Please visit our VOLUNTEER tab on our website to understand what you need to do before you can volunteer as well as many other volunteer opportunities.
Updated Daily Schedule: Click here to see the updated schedule
Drop Off and Pick Up: Click here to refresh yourselves on the Parking, Drop Off and Pick Up Procedures. We really appreciate your cooperation in this area.