Minister of Justice ... drops by

On Friday, October 18th the grade six class at Trinity Christian School had the pleasure of welcoming the MLA for Calgary-Acadia and Justice Minister for Alberta, Minister Jonathan Denis. He came to discuss his role as an MLA and the ways in which he serves as a representative for his constituents. He also discussed what it means to be a member of Cabinet. The students came away with a deeper understanding of our representative government and were amazed with the varied hours and events Minister Denis attends and the ways he keeps his constituents informed. Minister Denis encouraged the students to develop an interest in democracy and in the issues going on around them; it was in a grade six class that he himself first developed a love for government through meeting an MLA. As a fellow believer he also encouraged us to pray for him as well as the other MLA’s as per 1 Timothy 2:1-2 : “I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people— 2 for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.”
Accompanying Minister Denis was his assistant, Mrs. Christina Steed. She also brought an interesting perspective to our classroom as she is running for School Board Trustee in Ward 14 for the Calgary Board of Education. She brought along an election sign so that students could feel it and explained what was involved in running a campaign. She outlined why she is running as trustee and her hopes to bring change. We wish her well on election day, October 21st.
We are so thankful for these two guests to our classroom who truly made government come alive for our class.
Thank you!
Miss Cheryl Barnard & Miss Carissa Senft