March 14th is Not the Only Pie Day at TCS!

Our TCS community is AWESOME! Not only did we raise $27,000 from our Walkathon last Friday, our teachers were great sports and got PIED! The deal with the students was for every $5000 they raised they got to pie a teacher. $27,000 meant 5 teachers. The students got to vote which teachers got pied. The teachers that got pied were Mr. Roper, Mrs. Duimel, Ms Tiessen, Mr. t'Hart and Mr. Carter.
We celebrated our results from the walk-a-thon…prizes were handed out. The winners were as follows:
- o K – 6 Class Ice – Cream Party went to Grade 1M
- o K – 6 Gift Cards – Addy D ($100), Keziah H ($75) Paige V ($50), Jared H ($25)
- o 7 -9 Boston Pizza Class Party – went to Grade 7S
- o Junior High Queen for the Week – went to Meike B
- o Gift Cards Jn. Hg. – Carissa G($50) and Grade B ($25)
- o Ipad Draw – Kate M
Can't wait until next year....
Walkathon Pie Day