Honouring the Children

215 ribbons. Orange shirts. Prayers. Class discussions.
On Friday, we honoured the #215children found at the Kamloops Residential School. We must never let these children be forgotten.
During chapel we were blessed with a prayer from the Tsuu T’ina Elder, Dolly Runner. She asked Nata (God) for protection and to keep us safe. To help us accept our differences and that each man, women and child matters to him. And he created us to listen, forgive and love each other. To Nata, we are precious, loved and valued. Listen to her prayer in her native language.
A quote from Mrs. Heinrichs, "It was very meaningful. After an age-appropriate talk, one of my little kindergarten girls said, "I think I feel like I might cry." (which started ME crying) They were very touched by it all, as was I."
Thank you Tammy Dodginghorse being part of our community and for helping educate and enrich each of us.
Honouring the Children
Click on the photo to enlarge.