Happy Retirement!

Please join us in wishing a fond farewell to Mrs. Loeppky, Ms. Morris and Mrs. Boldt as teachers at TCS. Between the three of them they have 42 years of service at TCS.
In their own words, each has shared their fond memories at TCS. Click here to read Mrs. Loeppky's announcement which was included in the June Messenger. Ms. Morris' and Mrs. Boldt's fond farewells are below.
On a positive note, neither Mrs. Loeppky nor Ms. Morris are actually retiring entirely. They will both be back next year in the Music Academy. :)
A Farewell Message from Ms. Morris
It is very difficult to say goodbye after all of these years! I guess that is why I am still keeping connected in a small way by teaching in the Music Academy once a week next year. I hope to see students in the hallway, teach some of them privately and catch up with staff over a cup of coffee.
I don’t think I had really experienced true community until I came to Trinity with a very small teaching assignment in 2005. In 2006, I went through a major life change and the community here really embraced and supported me. I was blessed to arrive just when the single classes began to double. In fact I had the double blessing of two rooms, an art room that used to be where the new washrooms are located by the gym and a music room that has changed locations more than once!
Over the years, I have loved teaching music to the Trinity students. I started out with a K-3 assignment and later extended to teaching Grade 4 as well. In the old days, (as I call them), we had Grade 1 - 3 art classes on Thursdays. The old art room holds many precious memories of students, abounding in creativity from all grades. (...and so many memories of late Thursday nights and weekends always trying to “organize and clean up” our messes and clutter. However I look back with a smile at the time we shared.
I count it a great privilege that I got to share in the history and community of such an awesome group of people . Some of them have moved on but will be lifelong friends.
Thank you for the opportunity to teach some of your children and connect with many of you. I pray BLESSINGS on you as you grow together in the future, embrace inevitable changes together and support a learning environment where we raise children for the glory of God!
A Farewell Message from Mrs. Boldt
I have been incredibly blessed teaching at TCS for the past seven years. I started in Junior High and then moved on to grade 4 homeroom and elementary Phys Ed. For the last two years, I have been semi-retired, teaching PE to Kindergarten to grade 4 classes. Most days I pinched myself as if in a dream, as this has been my passion my whole teaching career.
I have built beautiful friendships that will be part of me always. I am quite sad to leave this amazing TCS family, especially the children. They filled my cup up each day with their love and beautiful hugs & smiles. I will miss them terribly. Thank you for sharing them with me.
God is good and His plans for us are to prosper us and to give us hope and a future. My future is in His hands and I trust Him fully for the next adventurous phase of my life. He is directing me to move overseas and so I am moving sometime in August. It's a huge step of faith, but my confidence and strength are in Him.
I really can't express in words how grateful I am to have stepped through the doors of TCS seven years ago, but it is a clear example of God's goodness. He has put us together for these years and I will cherish the memories forever. Farewell my beautiful TCS family - love you lots!