Dance Classes are Back!

Dance classes were back last week and the students loved it! Their happy faces and enthusiasm showed it. You will also notice from the photos, we definitely have some future dancers in our midst.
TCS invited Empirical Freedom (division of Movement with a Message) to teach our k-4 classes different types of dance. Check below for the program from last week.
Message from Oliver Reyes, President of Movement with a Message
Thank you for giving us the opportunity to share dance with your students. TCS provided an amazing environment and the sense of strong community which allowed our educators to feel comfortable teaching and challenging the kids.
Monday and Wednesday with Gracia D'inzau.
We explored the street dance style of K.R.U.M.P. (Kingdom Radically Uplifted Mighty Praise) and had the students learn the foundational movements needed for the dance. During our classes we worked on the following:
1. Basic body positions ( structural framework needed for balance)
2. Stomps( scoop stomp, kick back, buck hop)
3. Chest pops
4. Hand gestures and jabs ( talk, smack and power)
5. Arm swings
These movements were supplemented by exercises and games to engage students with the mechanics of the movements. Students are recommended to drill these for future success!
Tuesday and Thursday with Fritz Viray.
We covered the Street Dance style of Breakdancing.
1. The importance of warmup and stretching to prevent injury in dance
2. Toprock
3. Go downs
4. Floor work
5. Freezes
6. Power moves and power move starts
We encouraged the kids to learn how to have patience in understanding their bodies within the movement and how to progress slowly and safely.