Christmas Concert Production Reimagined

We hope you enjoy our 2020 Reimagined TCS Christmas Concert production. This years Christmas Concert is virtual. The link will be included in an email for our families to enjoy together at home.
As expected, the performance looks different this year. It has been reimagined! The Grade 2-6 students worked hard and had fun filming in front of a camera this year and the play comes alive through the magic of the green screen and photoshop. There are also special performances by our Kindergarten and Grade One classes. The artwork in the videos was drawn by our students, Mr. Michie and Mrs. Loeppky provided the instrumentals for the songs, and one of our Grade 6 students provides the vocals for "Let Us Adore".
Our play, The First Christmas, takes us back to the simplicity of the manger. This year, as we focus on remembering the birth of our King, we pray we will all be open to receiving the unexpected and undeserved gift only Jesus can bring.
Thank you to the teachers and students for your hard work and doing your part so we could enjoy this great reminder of the season that is upon us. We want to extend our deepest thanks to Mrs. Loeppky who coordinated and worked so hard to pull this all together, as she does each year. We sincerely hope you enjoy the production, but most of all, we hope and pray that you enjoy Christmas this year. A different Christmas, to be sure, but we pray that you embrace it and lean into it to make it one of the best Christmas' ever.
Merry Christmas