Baby Bottle Campaign

Thank you, Trinity Christian School, for participating in the Calgary Pregnancy Care Centre’s Baby Bottle Campaign. The money raised will provide practical and emotional support for struggling young families in our community.
Here is the video we shared with your children - some of our TCS students help make the video (watch for them).
We hope this will help them understand who they are helping, and the difference each baby bottle donation makes.
Here are the essential details:
- Students can fill their baby bottles or donate online from March 7th – 17th.
- The grade with the highest amount raised will win a pizza party and ice cream treats!
- Last year, TCS raised over $5,000, and we hope to beat that amount!
Filling one baby bottle may not seem like much, but each bottle will join thousands of other bottles. Together, these bottles add up to changed lives for women and young families in our community. Participating is easy.
- Put your cash & coins in the bottle, or donate on line. *Donations of $25 or more will be issued a donation receipt.
- Bring your bottle back on March 17th.
- Pray for the Centre.
If you choose to donate online, when prompted, please be sure to indicate the grade your child is in.
For more information, check out the Baby Bottle Campaign video.
If you have any questions, please contact Angela Hargreaves by calling 403-269-3110 or emailing