Another Great Community Event

Thank you everyone for making the day great! We were blessed with wonderful weather, many golfers and lots of fun! The addition of the 9 hole option to play encouraged more players to come this year who either did not have the time to play 18 holes or were new to the game.
The Marshmallow Challenge brought out the fun side of golf from celebrations, confusion as to where the marshmallow went and, yes, just eating them. Check out the pictures below.
Elisabeth Vathje, Christ follower, Canadian Skeleton athlete, and TCS alumni 2009 was our key note speaker again this year. She shared her Olympic journey with our golfers and how her disappointment with her 9th place finish has impacted her faith and deepened her understanding of God's sovereignty in her life. Ryan Chase was our fantastic MC and we thank him profusely for his 10 years spent on the golf committee.
There were lots of prizes handed out. Here are some of the highlights:
Golf "Winners"
On the Lil Devil:
- Long Putt - Gwen Uittenbosch
- Long Drive - Sheila Betsworth
- Closest to the Pin - Kim Heiraas
On the Blue Devil:
- Long Putt - Jon Roper\
- Marshmallow Drive - Michael Ward
- Ball in Sand - Matt Vanden Heuval
- Ball in Water - Jackie Castro
- Men's Long Drive - Doug Hills
- Ladies Long Drive - Karen Heyman
- Men's Closest to the Pin - Ryan Pezzack
- Ladies Closest to the Pin - Lauren Brown
- Most money raised by a golfer - Andrew Dykshoorn
- Winning Group - Michael Rust, Adrian Vickers, Scot Haddon, Rob Betsworth
We had two other holes with the potential to win $5000 by getting a hole in one. Unfortunately, no one won these this year.
Thank you to all of our tournament sponsors as this tournament is not possible without you. In addition thank you to all the golfers who came out for an amazing day at Blue Devil Golf Course. We hope to see YOU next year!