A Charlie Brown Christmas FUN FACT

Linus who was famously attached to his security blanket let’s go of it when he tells the story of Jesus’ birth. In that moment Linus didn't need his blanket. In the middle of his recitation of Luke 2:8-24, as Linus says “fear not,” he drops his blanket; the thing that gives him the most comfort. In that moment Linus forgets his fear and is able to speak up before all of his peers. Charles Shultz, the creator of the Peanuts comic was sending a message in his movie. With Jesus comes the absence of fear. Our security comes from the fact that Jesus Christ was born and died in exchange for our lives.
Please join us on Thursday, December 13th at 10:30am or 7pm to enjoy the adaptation of this classic by our Grade 2-6 classes as well as singing led by our Kindergarten and Grade 1 students.