Voting Day!

Today our grades 5 to 9 students voted in our Alberta Election. Well, actually, it was a parallel election called STUDENT VOTE to provide young Canadians (under the voting age) with an opportunity to experience the democratic process firsthand and practice the habits of informed and engaged citizenship.
This year our students will be joining approximately 150,000 students from across the province to cast a vote in their local constituency. CIVIX will then announce the results of the student election on all the major channels on election night as a part of the election coverage. Of course, the vote in not an actual vote, but students get to see how their votes compared with the actual vote. Students are given a brief primer about the various issues facing our province in this election, and they become familiar with the physical process of voting. CIVIX will be running a similar program in the Fall with the next Federal election.
Click here to learn more: Student Vote
Don't forget to cast your vote on Tuesday, April 16th.