Helping MAKE A WISH Come True!

Mrs. Snell's grade 5 class partnered with the Make A Wish Foundation to help lift the spirits of a young boy, Graham, with an incurable illness.
Our students wrote Graham encouraging notes and sent him drawings without knowing much about him or his illness. Last Thursday, they found out more. April Cote, a representative from Make A Wish, came to share about "our make-a-wish boy". Graham has Metachromatic Leukodystrophy (MLD) which is a rare genetic condition which causes difficulty in speaking, loss of control of muscles and gait, and decreased mental function. Graham's wish was to became a super-hero for day which he did in style! It was truly fascinating for our kids to see the benefits of their participation and to hear about the program first hand.
Make A Wish Foundation is an amazing organization that helps create life-changing wishes for children with critical illnesses. At TCS, we have also had several of our own students who have either made a wish or been part of a family where someone has made a wish. To read more stores from Make A Wish, click here.