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Another Successful TCS Golf Classic Tournament!

Despite disappointing weather (snow at the beginning of the week and a cold, wet and windy day for our annual TCS Golf Classic Tournament), our Trinity family did not disappoint in terms of supporting our fundraising event.  This year we raised over $32,000 to help pay down the debt on our mortgage.  A huge thank you goes out to so many.  We could have done it without everyone’s help and commitment:

  • Golf Committee (Brad Prather, Julie Clark and Bekky Dekkers)
  • Volunteers: Sandra Heinrichs, Christina Carpenter, Dawnyshia Dykshoorn
  • Sponsors:  Thank you to all of our wonderful sponsors including:
    • Major Sponsors: Electrical Wholesalers, Tetranex Solutions, Christian Credit Union, Big Chief, CanWest Flooring, Julie Clark (CIR Realty), Humphries Printing
    • Hole Sponsors and Prize Sponsors



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