Welcome TCS Families

A new year is about to begin. We feel blessed to have the halls of TCS filled with our wonderful students for our 22nd year.
Just a few reminders for the first day of school (Tuesday, September 2nd):
Drop off 8:00am or after: If families are staying for the morning assembly please park at the Wingate.
8:15am Doors Open
8:20am School Starts
· Students should bring their school supplies and indoor shoes the first day (if they forget it is not an issue). School supply lists can be found here
8:45am Opening Assembly
o It is a time to welcome everyone, including parents, back to school as well as a time of worship
o Parents are asked to park at the Wingate in the NW corner. Parents are welcome back at our school an noon for “Cobbs & Dogs” BBQ
12:00pm – Students dismissed for our 8th Annual “Cobbs & Dogs” BBQ - rain or shine!
o Everyone is welcome. Parents are asked to park at the Wingate in the NW corner