Walkathon Celebration

What a fun celebration! We had the opportunity to thank all the students for their awesome fundraising of more than $20,000. The funds will be used to purchase a new sound system for the aux gym, picnic tables and a gaga pit. Then the real fun started.... Thanks to the teachers who were good sports allowing our students to pie you! The deal with the students was for every $5000 raised they got to pie a teacher. The students voted and the pie recipients were: Mr. Roper, Mrs. Munton, Mrs. Okada and Mr. t'Hart
There was alot of excitement in the gym - check out the photos below. Can't wait until next year!
Top Class winning a pizza and ice cream party: 3H
Top Students each winning a gift card of their choice:
- Addyson 2C
- Calab 3H
- Paige 5Sn
- Leland 2C
- Levi 1K
- Eliana 4M
- Abi 2B
- Sydney 3B
- Ainsleigh 1M
Top Junior High Student who is Queen of the Day: Maesa
Draw for iPad: Caleb 3H
Pie Throwers: Ader, McKenna, Levi and Teagan