Safety Expo

Our grade 5/6 students attended the Safety Expo today where they actively learned about safety hazards at home, school and play. Our students got a chance to act out possible scenarios to help them understand the hazards.
What is Safety Expo?
Safety Expo is a community education and prevention program delivered as part of our commitment to public safety. This event is in support of City Council’s vision for inspiring, safe neighbourhoods. Their goal is for citizens to actively share in the responsibility for individual and community safety.
Through Safety Expo, students learn about safety hazards at home, school and play. They learn ways to protect themselves from vulnerable situations and how to stay safe online. With presentations on anti-bullying and information on ways they can positively influence their communities, students are given opportunities to learn about social responsibility.
These lessons (as well as many others) are delivered through fun, interactive displays and workshops, all of which meet the requirements of the Alberta Education Health and Wellness curriculum.