TCS Serves Day

On Friday, February 16th the students of Trinity Christian School had the privilege of going out and practicing being the hands and feet of Jesus as part of our first TCS Serves Day. Every class within the school considered the needs that they saw within our various communities and did something to help ‘Address the Mess’. We had classes working in homeless shelters, food kitchens, visiting with the elderly, thanking the various heroes within our Midnapore community, and buying books and writing notes of encouragement to young readers who may not be able to buy new books themselves, just to name a few. It was an incredible day that held great impact for our students, staff, and volunteers. We look forward to the next TCS Serves Day next year!
TCS Serves Day: Kindergarten
Both kindergarten classes earned money at home, doing extra chores around the house. They were then able to choose and purchase Scholastic books from the pretend book store we set up in our classroom. We will be sending $360 of new books to the kindergarten children on the Tsuu T'ina Nation! We also drew our very best self-portraits to send them, and we composed 2 class letters for them to read.
TCS Serves Day Grade 8: Volunteering at Jesus Loves You Society
For TCS Serves Day, the 8D homeroom went to help the staff and volunteers of the Jesus Loves You Society (or the JLYS) on 17th ave. The JLYS is a nonprofit agency that ministers to and helps provide for low-income single mothers and their children. The grade 8s spent their morning unloading food trucks, sanitizing toys, mopping floors, portioning out food donations, and deep cleaning the Shark Tank (the teen room)! The 8D homeroom wants to encourage everyone to go and volunteer at the JLYS or even consider donating to their clothing room - they are always looking for seasonal women’s and children’s clothes.
TCS Serves Day Grade 3: Thanking our First Responders
The grade threes gave thanks to our local first responders for the service day. We delivered treats to the police station and fire hall, and learned more about the role they play in keeping our community safe. We had a firefighter come into both classes, and educate students on fire safety. Students wrote postcards of gratitude that will be mailed to district offices around the city, to share our thankfulness for all that they do.