Remembrance Day Chapel

Today we remembered all those who have served so that we may be free.
Many of our classes help lead Chapel today:
- Our grade 1 classes recited the poem "In Flanders Field"
- The Junior High Dance class performed "The Little Soldier"
- Our Grade 6 class performed "For the Fallen"
We had two honoured guests:
- Able Seaman Pedida - Royal Canadian Navy
- Jason Kupery - Director of Learning, Palliser Regional
As we do each year, we took a moment to pause and reflect on the sacrifice that Families of TCS have made, and continue to make out of love and in the name of peace. Please take time to look through the attached presentation.
At the end of the assembly, the school sang Light a Candle, and Mr Roper spoke briefly about the importance of spreading Christ's light around the world. Through being more like Christ, we bring peace into our world. The assembly concluded with The Last Post and a moment of silence before students left quietly.