Welcome to our New Spanish Teacher!

We are pleased to welcome, Mrs. Desiree Francisco, as our new Junior High Spanish teacher joining us in September.
Mrs. Francisco started her teaching career in 1984 and most recently taught languages at Calgary Christian School. She comes to us with a wealth of experience in different languages and will be a great asset to our Spanish program.
A message from Mrs. Francisco: "¡Bendita sea el nombre de Jehova! Blessed be the name of the Lord!! It is such a blessing to be able to teach Spanish to young people at TCS!"
A few interesting facts to get to know Mrs. Francisco:
- loves the Lord Jesus!
- loves teaching in a Christian school!
- from Montréal, Québec
- started teaching in 1984 .... has taught in 2 different provinces (Alberta and Ontario)
- attended McGill, University of Montreal, University of Laval (Quebec City), Calvin College, USA
- enjoys wind surfing, wake boarding, snow boarding, kayak
- married with two children in university
- loves culture , reading, different languages
- has family cousins in Holland, where borders are so close most families speak 3-4 different languages