30 Hour Famine

THANK YOU to all of you students and teachers who worked to raise funds for the 30 Hour Famine. Together, we were able to raise $4500 that will go towards making sure that families who do not have the basic necessities of life will get them! You have significantly impacted the lives of others in this way. As we continue on this year, I would encourage you all to continue to ponder the theme question from the 30 Hour Famine - What is God calling ME to do? We can all impact others on a daily basis, what can you do to make the world a brighter place?
This year, we ran two contests. One contest was for the highest fundraiser. The winner of that prize will receive a pizza party for them and 8 friends. If there were multiple participants on a team, their fundraising total was divided among their team. The other contest was a draw for a literacy trip to Wendy's for frosties for the winner and 3 of their friends. For every 30 dollars that each student raised, their name was entered into a draw to win this prize.
Congratulations to Katelyn L (gr 7) who raised $1342 by herself to support World Vision! Way to go, Katelyn. Please come see me to arrange for your party.
Congratulations also go to Mirtalem and Daniel who won the draw for a trip to Wendy's for a Frosty. Together, they raised $1454 for World Vision! Wow! Please come see me to arrange your trip!
Below, I have attached the photos from the photo scavenger hunt. Enjoy.