RESPECT Initiative by The Eagles Leadership Team

This year, our student leadership team attended a Discover U conference hosted by Palliser which was created to help build student leadership. While at the conference, they were asked to identify and area that they feel they would like to lead other students in improving. The group came up with the idea of respect.
They have decided to tackle training other students in this idea in a number of ways.
- We will be having weekly devotions on the topic of respect.
- We have created a poster campaign regarding what respect looks like and why we should respect others. See some of the posters below.
- We have created a way that students can nominate other students when they see them doing something respectful, and that student has the opportunity to win a prize at the end of the week. We have had three students recognized so far:
- Felix in 5St
- Cameron in 2M
- Hanna in 7s
- We have created a respect pin-up board where students can pin up ideas on how they show respect at TCS. See some of of the submissions below. Check out the bulletin board next to the office to see more submissions.
The hope is that students will be more mindful in showing respect at school and home.