Summer Wellness Tip - Remaining in Community

As summer approaches there can be so much excitement for the anticipated rest, freedom, and possible vacations that come with the summer break. With the shift in our schedules (or sometimes lack of schedule altogether ;)) We at times might find ourselves feeling a bit disconnected from others. Although there are lots of great summer programs and activities out there, many of our regular commitments also tend to take a pause over the summer months. For many people, this can feel quite lonely or discouraging.
My encouragement for you through the summer months is to take the much needed time to rest and rejuvenate, enjoy a more relaxed pace, but also be intentional about remaining in community. God has designed us to live in community with one another and it truly is a gift from Him that brings great joy! Psalm 133:1 says: Behold, how good and pleasant it is when brothers dwell in unity! We not only need and benefit from community ourselves, but God also calls us to be in community with others in order that we might encourage those around us. Hebrews 10:24-25 instructs us to “consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together… but encouraging one another”
So I challenge you this summer to find new and creative ways to remain in community or build community around you. Sometimes, this might require us to get out of our comfort zone a bit, but it is so worth it! One of my favorite ways to build community in the summer months is to host backyard BBQs. We love inviting people we know from different places so that others who might be lacking community in their own life have the opportunity to meet new people as well. I am always pleasantly surprised with the new connections that are built, and the encouraging conversations that are had. There are so many ways that we can stay connected this summer, but here are a few more ideas for you:
1.Joining or starting:
- A book club
- A recreational sports club
- A Bible Study
2. Going to camp
3. Spending time outside with friends and family
4.Hosting a potluck
5. Going on hikes with friends
6. Attending youth groups and other church events
Happy Summer!!