2016 Dinner Auction: A Galactic Event

Thank you to all of our sponsors, guests and volunteers who made this year’s Star Wars Dinner Auction a stellar success! We gathered together on Friday evening to celebrate 22 years with other TCS families and friends and raised almost $25,000 towards our school expansion, new gym and library! It was a fabulous night filled with laughter, fellowship, fun and fantastic food!
For those of you not able to attend, you were missed! If you would still like to contribute to our financial goal, a great way to help is to join with other Trinity families in sponsoring the purchase of library & gym equipment for our expansion. Over 70 units were purchased at $50 each. This money will be used to purchase equipment such as gym mats, nets and balls as well as furniture for the library.
All purchases will be receipted as a 100% charitable donation.
You may also sponsor the purchase of library & gym equipment by contacting Leslie Sawatzky at leslie.sawatzky@pallisersd.ab.ca or call the office today!