By Faith - Theme Summary

This year, our theme at Trinity Christian School is By Faith. Our deep hope is that students would grow in their understanding of, and dependance on God’s character, His actions, and His promises, as revealed in His Word.
The faith of those who have gone before us point to the One we put our faith in for life and salvation. Our desire is to help our students see, know, understand and believe that Jesus is the true and better version.
Jesus is the truer and better Noah. The way Noah was used to gather and save the people of God, Jesus calls us to Himself and saves us from the storms pain and confusion caused by sin.
Jesus is the truer and better Moses. The way Moses liberated God’s people from Pharaoh, Jesus liberates us from sin and death.
Jesus is the truer and better Daniel. The way Daniel goes to the lions den for his faith, Jesus would go to the den called the cross to pay for our sins.
Our heart is that as we journey through the diverse stories of faithful biblical characters, we would grow in a deeper understanding of God’s faithfulness throughout the grand redemptive narrative found in scripture. And, in light of this reality, we would confidently live out our faith in new and meaningful ways.